Innovation is needed around pre-fabricated facades that are quick to erect and keep the mass timber structure dry.
Focus in
Innovation is needed around pre-fabricated facades that are quick to erect and keep the mass timber structure dry.
Use hybrid structural systems (timber/steel/concrete) to optimize for the best properties of each.
For clients that are unable to pursue DB or CM delivery models (which are said to be more suited to mass timber projects), a combination of pre-construction contractor consultation and DBB helps.
Cost premiums with mass timber are offset by the more rapid construction process with pre-fabricated construction.
Fire departments are an overlooked stakeholder.
CLT requires significant pre-construction coordination, for example with modelling. Either hire a specialty firm or specify that the General Contractor (or sub contractors) model and coordinate CLT and MEP.
The structural engineer must have experience with CLT: this is vital to project success.
Specs are often poorly organized on mass timber projects, resulting in discrepancies between general notes, specs, instructions, and expectations. Do not copy and paste from old doculments just because mass timber is a material that people are unfamiliar with. Throw away the old and start by stating assumptions.
Costs can easily inflate for MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing). Contractors go to suppliers for pricing, suppliers add contingency costs, contractors add their own contingency, and the cost can inflate enough to kill the project.
Spec a target tolerance. Contractually this is difficult to hold to, but provides a method to explain the importance of the allowable tolerance.
Dimensional control of mass timber elements is stringent, should be explored and re-evaluated within the boundaries of safety and performance.
More advanced technologies can be used for water and fire management to reduce and speed up on-site work.
Building with repeated layouts will bring more prefabrication opportunities.
Prefabrication was good for full design of MEP, as it allowed for accurate off-site cutting of ducts, pipes, other systems and partial off-site assembly of the mechanical room.