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The installer should be thought of as a consultant and a vital team member. For example, when installers are brought to the table at the design phase and give input into connection details, constructibility improves. However, when the installer is brought on too late, other consultants have already spent the money, and no one wants to add to the cost. The resulting problems need to be solved on site by the installer, adding time and cost.


Project teams should share BIM models as part of standard procedure, but be aware that BIM models can rarely be used for fabrication. The manufacturer still needs to produce their own models, often from scratch.


A brief list of mass timber advantages in BC: schedule, aesthetics, 3D BIM provides risk mitigation, fast installation times, lower carbon footprint, local materials, reduced foundation loads


Fully implement BIM standards and sharing between consultant and supplier. Client otherwise pays double: consultants develop models independently, and suppliers interpret and develop the models they need on their own. This duplication of effort costs time and money.


Once there are more North American mass timber manufacturers, the mass timber in North America will become more cost competitive compared to the European supply.