Focus in




Detailed fabrication input is limited by construction contract type (unless it is possible to engage a mass timber manufacturer during design).


Mass panel installation advice: — Full scale mockup is a benefit, allows best practices to be developed and solutions identified prior to construction. — “Install prefab guardrail systems between columns on the perimeter and pre-determine tie-off points for worker safety” — Manufacturers need to clearly identify and locate balanced panel lifting points. — Pre plan and optimize truck load stacks, delivery schedules and erection sequencing


Develop and share a water protection plan together with the general contractor. Work with the GC: they care because they have to install. Suppliers may or may not care, and also may not have the necessary facilities (eg. membrane applying station)


Water damage is a major issue that is not yet adequately solved, and results in schedule slippage. There must be a method to protect the timber products from rain and swelling during construction. Improperly coated connections cause problems.